Found is an ongoing globally collaborative exploration utilizing social media and live streaming webcams to pinpoint a moment in time and space from multiple perspectives. A virtual link is created between myself and the participants, all of whom are complete strangers, in a questioning of privacy and access to information. The end result is a demonstration of how technological interventions create artistic spectacles within the intersection of art and technology.
About the artist
Carlos Rene Pacheco is an artist and photographer from Tucson, Arizona. He received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with an emphasis in Photography from the University of Arizona and his MFA in Photography + Integrated Media from Ohio University, in Athens, Ohio. A former Astronomy student, Pacheco’s work has been described as equal parts magic and science. A reconciliation of his questioning of the photographic medium and his passion for scientific exploration, Pacheco’s work offers a subtle twist of the viewer’s expectations and feelings of familiarity regarding the photographic image. Pacheco currently resides just outside the Fargo/Moorhead area and teaches photography at Minnesota State University Moorhead.